Dear Partner!
In order to increase our efficiency, we are affiliated with several foreign trade companies, sales offices in several countries and are present on numerous business portals.
However, we are looking for foreign and domestic companies with which we have no contact and can offer our database at the best prices. Our exportable product / service offering is constantly expanding.
Demand satisfaction – even with the effective support of our external sales representatives – can be achieved within days.
In order to strengthen our market position, we are looking for – mainly retired – EVs – foreign dealers – looking forward to your application. When submitting your curriculum vitae, please indicate in which countries you have the most experience and relationship capital in the market.
The offered reward can reach 18-25% of Dunapelf Kft’s net income!
We are looking forward to staff who recommend their partners or acquaintances through our innovative platform. They are called by the profession MatchMaker recruiter. In the case of successful customer recommendation or agency work, we pay 18-25% of Dunapelf Kft’s net income as a success fee against an invoice. (Distributed commissions can be paid.)
We offer the following service for real estate agents and lawyers: We provide a free advertising space for your database companies, real estates above 100 million HUF for one year, then in case of successful sale we ask only 1% + VAT success fee. (Even if 5% + VAT is your commission!)
We offer cooperation opportunities for all business partners who can imagine joint action to achieve profit orientation in the Hungarian market.
Contact us and we will contact you.
Mária Kecskeméti managing director